Don't just Consume Content, Co-Own it
Access Curated Projects across various categories of Content IP
A Blockchain based asset tokenization By XDC
Get access to some of most exciting & promising Content IP projects - where you get an opportunity to not just multiply returns, but also participate in the various creative decisions on the project
Explore curated content IP projects across multiple content classes
Effortlessly complete KYC and Invest.
Automated returns and multiple exit opportunities
Become a part of project governance
Your fractions on Fandora gives you access to regular, pre-defined percentage of Revenue Share and/or IP share of every project
All projects listed on Fandora have gone through strenuous due diligence - and you can access all key documents on every project, which can help you make the right decision.
All projects will have individual escrow accounts - bringing transparency in fund inflow and revenue flow for all investors
You can mark your commitments with just 20% of required funds and pay rest later once all commitments close
Foundership XDC Token Launch Cohort 2024 and Brinc Web3 Accelerator
Our mission is to make it as easy as possible for anyone to make content-IP investment and build wealth.
Browse through various curated projects - and access various details like Share of IP that you're entitled to, project analysis reports, underlying agreements etc.
Purchase fractional parts (linked to blockchain powered tokens) and co-own the underlying content project.
Basis the project details - you can multiply returns as per the time periods mentioned, and can also exit or get partial liquidation after the expiry of lock-in period
A Blockchain based asset tokenization By XDC